Morning Checkup: Stroke Awareness Month

Morning Checkup: Stroke Awareness Month
Published: May. 3, 2023 at 11:33 AM EDT
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WATERTOWN, New York (WWNY) - It’s Stroke Awareness Month.

Lauren Lupi is quality improvement practitioner at Samaritan Medical Center. She says any of the symptoms in the acronym BE FAST could be a sign of a stroke.

It’s better, she says, to overreact, because time saved is brain saved. There’s a delicate 4.5-hour treatment window.

Watch the video for her interview during Samaritan’s Morning Checkup segment on 7 News This Morning.

Here are the signs to watch out for:

- B: Balance. Loss of balance, headache, dizziness.

- E: Eyes. Blurred vision.

- F: Face. One side of the face is drooping.

- A: Arms. Weakness is arms or legs.

- S: Speech. Difficulty speaking.

- T: Time. Time to call 911 immediately.