Your Turn: feedback on Jain Irrigation, Christmas Tree Shops & ATV insurance

Published: May. 15, 2023 at 2:35 PM EDT
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WATERTOWN, New York (WWNY) - Jain Irrigation, which has a plant on Water Street in Watertown, is closing. Officials say at least 50 employees are affected:

My heart goes out to all the workers there...Having a job sold off is a serious event.

Alicia Camidge

If you want to lay the blame on anything, lay it on the good old state of NY. Take a look back at all the good factories that have closed...or moved out of state because it’s just too expensive to run a business here.

Nancy Cordova

Christmas Tree Shops at Watertown’s Salmon Run Mall will be closing. We received hundreds of comments about that:

I love this store. What a shame.

Emma Mulderig

A lot of people shop there, so what’s the problem?

Sergio Morales

I can get higher quality at a lower price elsewhere. Good riddance.

Samantha Smith

So sad. More people out of work!

Sally Smith

ATV clubs are questioning their future after learning the only company that provides insurance is ending coverage at the beginning of next month:

They are stopping coverage because they didn’t make enough money. Like my dad always said, ‘Insurance companies are nothing but legalized thieves.’

Frederick Staie

That’s how capitalism works.

Linda Ellsworth Kurpiewski