Your Turn: feedback on psych center, solar safety & lottery mystery

Published: Aug. 7, 2023 at 6:38 PM EDT
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WATERTOWN, New York (WWNY) - The state has plans to tear down ten vacant buildings formerly used by the St. Lawrence Psychiatric Center in Ogdensburg:

These buildings should be on the historic registry. They were the most beautiful buildings our county has had.

David Zufall

It’s sad the state of disrepair these buildings have been allowed to come to. They were beautiful buildings built with true craftsmanship. Sadly, their time has come to an end.

Peter Deshane

State lawmakers are calling for new safety measures in the wake of the solar farm fire in the town of Lyme. That’s because it took hours for emergency responders to know exactly what was inside the storage batteries that were burning:

Truly crazy that there was no manifest of the trailer contents registered with at least the county and the state.

Debbie Smith

Sounds like a sound idea because, let’s face it, labeling everything as ‘clean energy’ that isn’t a fossil fuel is a misnomer.

Robert Paradis

There’s no official word yet on who won $1 million with a lottery ticket bought in Clayton last month. Meanwhile, people in the river community are wondering who the winner is and why they haven’t come forward:

I’m not the winner. But if I were, I wouldn’t come forward until I had a lawyer and all my ducks in a row.

Donna Rich Fercken

Seeing how NY takes close to half your winnings, it’s really no reason to hide. It’s probably a summer visitor.

Chelle Bell