Your Turn: feedback on Montalvo, electric buses & money tree

Published: Sep. 11, 2023 at 3:09 PM EDT
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WATERTOWN, New York (WWNY) - A 24-year-old Ogdensburg man is accused of deliberately striking his girlfriend with a pickup truck. Sean Montalvo allegedly drove into 23-year-old Abigail Carmody, leaving her critically injured:

Felony assault?! That’s attempted murder!

Sarah JH

There should have not been bail! This is insane.

Leslie Reiter

Sending prayers for Abigail Carmody...She did not deserve that.

Scott Madill

A state mandate requires all new school bus purchases in New York to be electric by 2027. We spoke with local school districts about the money and infrastructure needed to make the switch:

Get ready for our school taxes to skyrocket.

Tari Peters Briggs

If we don’t, who is going to take care of the Earth and the people on it? Either we work together or all perish. We all can’t make it to Mars.

Gene M. Burke Sr.

There were concerns the money tree in Watertown’s Thompson Park was vandalized after a piece, which resembled a face, was sawed off. After our story aired, the piece was found at the bottom of the tree with a note apologizing for sawing it off, saying they thought it was getting cut down and wanted to place it at another tree:

At least they owned their mistake and made an attempt to right the wrong by returning the piece.

Nicole Rose

This person still vandalized public property and should be hounded to the ends of the earth for retribution.

Chris McRoberts