Your Turn: feedback on Osorio sentence, selling marijuana & record heat

Published: Oct. 9, 2023 at 4:10 PM EDT
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WATERTOWN, New York (WWNY) - A town of LeRay man is going to prison for assaulting his infant daughter. Jason Osorio was sentenced last week in Jefferson County Court to 3 years behind bars:

The sentence is nowhere near as harsh as it should be!

Holly Countryman

May justice come in prison...The courts are laughable.

Brenda Morley

The system has failed that baby.

Lyn LaShomb

A newly opened business in West Carthage can now legally sell marijuana - and the marijuana it’s selling is being grown locally:

I’m all for marijuana being used responsibly. I do, however, have issues with this business being located next door to a dance studio that has our youth attending regularly.

Tim Cook

It’s not like a child can walk into the shop and buy weed....People clutching their pearls over marijuana is hilarious.

Kimber Alanna

Kinda funny - sell drugs to hope to use the money to bring back (the) DARE program. So sell drugs so we can teach kids drugs are bad.

Amy Burriss

The north country saw record-high temperatures last week. We asked what you thought about having that kind of warmth in October:

It should have been this hot in August!

Ellen Kelley

Take advantage of this beautiful weather because it doesn’t last for long.

Sally Thomson Delavergne